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Best Tools for Writers of Thought Leadership Content

Written by Newsweek Expert Forum | Feb 15, 2023 11:00:00 AM

You have a wealth of knowledge and experience and are rightfully considered a thought leader in your industry.

One of the most reliable strategies to make your mark on the world, achieve your thought leadership goals, and increase your credibility, visibility, and overall success is to use content writing as a marketing strategy.

Giving away education-based content is a highly effective marketing tool. It helps you share your expertise so you can build an audience quickly and effectively.

The philosophy behind content marketing is that you don’t try to sell directly. Instead, offer valuable content as a gift, hoping to increase brand awareness and gain increased trust and loyalty from your readers. By creating compelling content that resonates with readers, you can build relationships and create new opportunities for yourself.

To be most effective, this content needs to be relevant to your intended audience, timely, valuable, interesting, and shareable.

Content writing also gives you the opportunity to showcase and demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and experience in a professional manner. With the right tools and strategies, you can master the art of content writing to make it an effective part of your overall marketing strategy.

Here are some tips and tools that will get your creative juices flowing so you can write quickly and effectively.

Productivity Tools 

When it comes to writing content, one of the most important things you can do is to be organized. Use online tools to plan your content schedule and track progress on each project. Here are some of the best editing tools and writing apps that can help improve your productivity and organization: 

  • Trello – This free project management app allows users to keep track of tasks with a simple drag-and-drop system. With Trello, you can easily break down projects into smaller tasks and track progress in real time. 
  • Evernote – Evernote is a great tool for note-taking, organizing ideas, and tracking research. With Evernote's intuitive interface, it's easy to store notes in an organized way so they're easy to find later on. 
  • Grammarly – Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps you improve your grammar and spelling by automatically detecting errors in your work. Using Grammarly while writing content gives you greater confidence in your final product before submitting it for review or publishing it online. 
  • ProofHub - ProofHub gives users the ability to unlock their full potential through powerful productivity and project management features. These features include a built-in calendar, writing projects, notes, and more.
  • Hemingway app - Hemingway is the ultimate editor, helping you to craft cleaner content by pointing out over-complicated words, difficult sentences, adverb overload and passive voice so your writing is clear and easy for anyone to read.

Overcome Writer's Block 

Writer’s block is one of the biggest challenges that writers face—but there are ways to overcome it. Here are some tips for dealing with writer’s block when it strikes: 

  • Take a break – One of the best ways to get past writer’s block is to take some time away from your work. A short walk or even just a few minutes away from your desk may be enough to clear your head and spark new ideas when you return refreshed, so you can start writing again.
  • Change your environment – Sometimes all it takes is switching up where you write for creativity to flow more freely again. Try going outside or exploring different coffee shops around town; sometimes simply having new surroundings can help jumpstart creative thinking.
  • Talk about it - Talking about what's causing writer’s block may be enough to help alleviate any pressure or stress associated with feeling stuck on a project. You can talk with friends or family. Or you can talk with other professionals in your field through a group such as Newsweek Expert Forum. Getting perspectives from others may provide the inspiration you need to get back on track with writing again.
  • Imagine you're talking to your absolute best client - Don't write down everything you say, just try to get into the flow of what you would tell that client. This way, you'll be able to come up with content faster and use it as a foundation for the rest of the piece. Remember to demonstrate your brand personality in every piece you write.
  • Set word count goals. Decide how much you will write every day, and schedule that time in your calendar like any other appointment.

Assistive Technology Tools For Struggling Writers 

If traditional methods don't seem like they are working to get you over the "blank page hump", consider trying out assistive tech tools instead. There are plenty of helpful apps available today that make writing easier. They provide word prediction capabilities or text-to-speech features that read aloud what has been written so far. This means you can catch errors early on before submitting finished work for review or publishing online. Some popular assistive tech tools include: 

  • Dragon Dictation - This app provides speech recognition software allowing users to speak directly into their device instead of typing out words manually; this feature makes transcribing thoughts much faster than traditional typing methods.
  • WriteOutLoud - This voice output program reads aloud text as users type. This ensures accuracy in spelling and punctuation while also helping you stay focused and motivated as you write longer pieces of content.
  • CoWriter - CoWriter provides predictive text options based on what users have already typed. This helps speed up the process of creating documents exponentially by suggesting words and phrases as they type. You don't have to search manually search through dictionaries.

Tools and tips for writing more efficiently

All the best productivity strategies in the world, however, and the best apps made by science, mean nothing if your content itself isn't relevant, timely, interesting, valuable, and shareable. So here are some tools and tips for creating better content:

  • Brainstorm with a Content Ideation Tool: Start by using an online tool to brainstorm ideas for your content. A great tool is ChatGPT or another AI tool like Jasper. These tools help you generate topics and titles for your articles, blog posts, ebooks, emails and other forms of content.
  • Research Relevant Sources: Conducting research is essential when creating content that resonates with your readers. A good resource to refer to is the Google Scholar library, which offers a variety of helpful sources.
  • Take Advantage of Writing Software: To save time and improve your content, use writing software such as Hemingway Editor or Grammarly (see above). They can help you proofread your work more quickly and effectively while keeping it error-free.
  • Use the Power of Visuals: Visuals help communicate your message more effectively in a concise and easy-to-understand way. Use images, charts, and graphs to illustrate your points and make them easier for your readers to digest.
  • Structure Your Writing: Make sure you have good sentence structure in addition to well-organized content. It should have an introduction, main body, and conclusion in order to make it easier for readers to understand.
  • Write on Multiple Devices: Inspiration can come at any time. Use apps in the cloud so you can add ideas on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Ultimately, remember that great content is not created overnight - it takes time and effort to create meaningful pieces that connect with readers. Put in the effort and you'll be rewarded with an engaged audience that trusts your brand and appreciates the value you create.

By using these tools and tips, you'll be able to create better content that resonates with your readers. Make sure you stay up-to-date with the latest trends in content writing to create the most effective and engaging content possible. With a little effort, you can create quality content that drives results for your business.