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The AI Revolution in Thought Leadership Content

Written by Newsweek Expert Forum | Mar 29, 2023 10:00:00 AM

As a thought leader, finding the time to create and curate content can be a challenge. Your thought leadership goals include wanting to stay current and keep your audience engaged in order to remain at the top of your field, but you’re already stretched thin with other responsibilities.

AI offers an exciting solution: automated tools that allow you to design, personalize, and create highly effective content quickly and at scale—so you can focus on making your mark as an expert in your domain.

With AI at your side, it’s significantly easier and faster to create quality content that helps you stand out as an expert in your field. When you know how to use it well and ethically, AI can be your content assistant; you can use it to generate ideas and information, and then add your expertise with taste and perspective. 

Benefits of using AI for content marketing

The most obvious benefit of using AI is that you can create content significantly faster - by orders of magnitude.

That means you can post more content more often. The benefit of that?  You can "be everywhere, all the time." In addition, you can:

  • Keep your audience engaged and informed about the latest developments in your field—all while staying ahead of the curve as a thought leader.
  • Automate sentiment analysis, which allows you to quickly understand how your content is being received.
  • Use natural language processing capabilities to help you create personalized, contextualized content for your audience. This makes it possible to create content that’s relevant and engaging, speaking directly to your target audience.
  • Be able to identify and leverage relevant insights from large datasets in order to generate more engaging narratives.
  • Automate the writing process. AI-powered tools can help you quickly create content for thought leadership pieces. You don’t need to spend hours crafting the perfect piece of writing—the tool does it for you, based on your instructions.
  • Personalize content so it resonates with different audiences. By adjusting content to the interests and preferences of your readers, you can make sure that it’s engaging and relevant for them.
  • Curate content so you can quickly scour online sources and find the best content available on any given topic. This means that you don’t have to spend time searching for relevant content—the tool does the work for you.

How to integrate AI-generated content into your thought leadership strategy

The benefits of using artificial intelligence to generate AI content are only as good as your overall marketing strategy. And you don't actually need to think of content as "AI-generated content." Content is content, whether you begin writing with assistance or you begin with a blank page on your own.

Any good content marketing strategy begins by setting clear goals for what you want to achieve with your content—whether that’s to build trust and credibility, create engagement, or drive conversions. Then consider how creating content can help you reach those goals.

Once you know what you’re trying to accomplish, it’s time to start leveraging AI generator tools for content creation. Be sure your content follows best practices for thought leadership pieces, including writing in an authoritative voice and making sure it's well-researched, accurate, and up-to-date.

Repurpose your content in a variety of media - text, videos, slides, images, graphs, etc. - and post on multiple platforms. Don't try to do this all yourself. Hire an assistant to help you... or use AI to do it (see below).

Track the results to determine which pieces are most effective at engaging readers and driving conversions—and use that data to refine your approach going forward.

8 Hot tips for using AI to generate engaging content

1 - Create content templates

This includes headlines and outlines. AI tools can then take these templates and fill in the blanks to create unique pieces of content. Tools like QuillBot or AI Writer can help here. They use natural language processing to generate content based on your input.

2 - Incorporate keyword research

AI tools can help you quickly identify the right keywords and phrases to include in your content. This helps ensure that your content is optimized for search engine algorithms, so it’s easier for readers to discover it. Tools like AnswerThePublic or Wordtracker can help with keyword research.

3 - Leverage AI-generated visuals

Visual content always gets more attention from SEO algorithms. Visuals also increase engagement and help readers retain information. AI tools can also help you quickly create visuals for your content. Consider trying out MidJourney or the Bing Image Creator for images. Visual presentations can be created with Tome.

4 - Repurpose content

Create once, then spread it around. AI makes it possible to minimize how much work you're doing, while still sharing a LOT of content. Tools like Spinbot can quickly transform existing pieces into new ones, giving you completely original content without spending too much time on it.

5 - Use natural language processing capabilities

AI writing tools like GPT4 are great for leveraging natural language processing, which has multiple uses:

  • Research potential speaking and writing topics
  • Research your audience and market
  • Generate content quickly, tailored to your audience
  • Generate content in your own voice and style
  • Format content for different media

6 - Leverage AI storytelling resources

AI storytelling resources such as ToolBaz or Story Chief can help you quickly create compelling stories that engage readers and keep them coming back for more. They provide templates and visual elements to help you quickly craft engaging stories without having to write much content.

7 - Develop personalized content for customer engagement

AI tools can also help you create personalized content for your audience. This is especially important if you’re looking to build relationships with potential customers or partners. Tools like IBM Watson can generate targeted content that speaks directly to your target audience, helping you increase engagement and conversions.

8 - Use AI to identify trends in your industry

AI can help you identify trends in your industry so you can create content that’s timely and relevant. This is particularly useful for thought leaders like you, so you can keep up with what's on the cutting edge in your field. Tools like BuzzSumo or Google Trends can help here.

Track your impact

You spend valuable time creating content; you need to know if it's having an impact on the outcomes of your thought leadership campaign. AI tools like Google Analytics Intelligence can help you track the performance of your content, so you know what works and what doesn't. This data will help you refine your approach going forward, so your content reaches the right people and drives conversions.

Other AI tools help you measure impact on social media, so you can quickly see how much engagement your content is getting. This helps you adjust and refine your thought leadership strategy to maximize reach and impact. And you can track your impact on multiple social and media channels with an AI-powered platform like Cision.

It's not worth your time or money to create content if you don't have a reliable way to measure its impact. AI makes this much faster and more efficient than it's ever been.

Automate repetitive tasks

As a thought leader, you have many tasks to do - from finding ideas for content to curating visuals. AI tools can help you automate these processes so you can focus your energy on the creative aspects of content creation. Tools like Grammarly or Voiceflow can help you quickly create content and optimize it for SEO without having to spend too much time on it.

Using AI to write more often and more prolifically can help you become a thought leader in your industry. AI tools can streamline the content creation process and make it easier for you to create engaging content that is tailored to your audience. This will help you build relationships with potential customers and partners, as well as increase engagement


It’s important to find tools that are tailored to your specific needs. Research which are best suited for thought leadership content and experiment to see which resources work for you. Leverage AI-generated and AI-managed content to write more often and with greater reach. You can now share your expertise with a wider audience with a lot less effort. 

Put simply: AI allows you to be more visible and remain top of mind in your field, while giving you more time to attend to other aspects of your business.

Also consider the importance of being part of a network of thought leaders who generously share best practices and keep each other apprised of the latest trends. Newsweek Expert Forum is a community of top-tier experts who gather virtually to find like-minded peers and help each other grow. Click here to find out more and see if you qualify.