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Jean Tien

Founder Energetics of Being LLC

New York State

Member Since May 2022


Executive Coaching


I am an Intuitive Mindset Coach with over 20 years of experience in corporate. I combine my intuition with my extensive corporate experience to show you how to expand and feel fulfilled without sacrificing your career or lifestyle.

Published content

14 Strategies for Leaders to Adopt or Practice Mindfulness

expert panel

Adopting practices like mindfulness can be a great way to reduce stress and take back control of one's life. Between managing employees, monitoring the market and setting and achieving business goals, leaders have a lot of pressure on their shoulders. All of these responsibilities and expectations undoubtedly contribute to making stress a routine and ever-present part of the job for many leaders. While leadership and stress can go hand-in-hand, pursuing practices like mindfulness could help leaders better manage their stress and take back control. To help leaders prevent stress from negatively impacting their productivity and morale, 14 Newsweek Expert Forum members offer advice for how leaders can adopt or practice mindfulness on a regular basis.

The Importance of Normalizing Failures


Failure is not terminal.

Struggling to Focus? Try These 15 Expert-Recommended Strategies

expert panel

If you're having trouble staying on task, these actionable tips can help you refocus your attention. Everyone has struggled to focus at work at one point or another. Whether you're feeling tired, burned out or you're just too excited about an event later that week, sitting down at a computer or sitting through a meeting can sometimes be challenging. While feeling a little unfocused every now and then can be easily overcome, it's more problematic if you're constantly struggling to focus or losing interest in the work that you're doing. Luckily, there are ways to help you dial back in and find the focus you need to get the job done. Below, 15 members of Newsweek Expert Forum shared their best tips for someone struggling to focus.

How to Proactively Leverage Up-and-Coming Customer Behavior Trends

expert panel

Keeping a close eye on customer behavior can help businesses stay on top of changing trends. Trends can come and go in the blink of an eye, and if a business isn’t paying close enough attention to its customers, leaders run the risk of losing current and future customers. Rather than waiting for new customer behavior trends to hit the company’s radar, being more proactive about learning and leveraging each trend in real time can give an organization an edge over its competitors. As business experts, the members of Newsweek Expert Forum are familiar with just how quickly customer behavior can change. Below, they offer advice on how leaders can effectively leverage customer behavior trends as they gain more ground.

Making a Difficult Business Decision? 10 Ways Leaders Can Embrace and Overcome Fear

expert panel

To remain in business long term, entrepreneurs have to get comfortable making difficult choices. Business decision making can sometimes be a difficult process, with each decision potentially impacting employees or customers in a negative way. That potential to harm stakeholders may cause some leaders stress, even to the point of delaying decisions until they’re absolutely sure of the possible outcomes. Learning how to understand and see fear as a natural part of doing business is key if entrepreneurs want to last long term. As leaders, the members of Newsweek Expert Forum are all familiar with the challenges of making decisions. Below, they share advice for fellow leaders to be able to embrace fear and make difficult business decisions with confidence.

16 Leaders Share Business Challenges That Can Double as Teachable Moments

expert panel

Each and every challenge brings with it the opportunity to learn and grow as an entrepreneur. When a leader is dealing with an obstacle, thinking of the lasting value of that business challenge isn’t usually what comes to mind in the heat of the moment. However, once a leader has had time to reflect, each and every challenge has the potential to positively impact their organization going forward.  Below, a panel of Newsweek Expert Forum members share specific challenges business owners faced and how leaders can use those experiences as a moment to learn and make lasting changes.

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Energetics of Being LLC

