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Austin Woodward

CEO, Co-FounderTaxbit


Member Since August 2021


TaxBit automates the process of calculating and reporting taxes on cryptocurrency transactions. TaxBit is the leader, backed by the industries' best VCs, in the cryptocurrency tax and accounting space. I co-founded TaxBit after closely following the legal and tax regulations behind cryptocurrency. The IRS has clearly defined cryptocurrency as property, meaning that cost basis associated with each and every movement of cryptocurrency must be tracked and gains/losses reported to the IRS. TaxBit's platform automates this process for Enterprises, Consumers, and Governments.

Published content

16 Ways Businesses Can Construct and Maintain a Positive Work Culture

expert panel

A business's culture directly influences relationships within the workplace. The work culture of a business has a direct impact on the ability of the organization to last long term. Besides the benefits on the business side, a positive work environment enhances the relationship between leaders and current and prospective employees, leading to increased retention and employee loyalty. However, the challenge comes with building and preserving this kind of company culture. To help, a panel of Newsweek Expert Forum members shared their recommendations for how business leaders can build and maintain a positive work culture.

12 Low-Effort Strategies for Improving Your Customer Experience

expert panel

Making customers happy doesn't have to require a lot of resources and effort; the simplest strategies can sometimes be the best. A business's customer experience is an important indicator of its overall success. Your customers are the cornerstone of your company, and they should be treated as such. If they aren't satisfied with their experience, they'll likely take their business elsewhere. Thankfully, you don't have to break the bank or hire tons of customer service reps to appease your customers. Below, 12 members of Newsweek Expert Forum shared some low-effort but effective strategies for improving your customer experience.

Company details


Company bio

Designed by CPAs and Tax Attorneys, TaxBit is the leading tax and accounting solution for the digital economy. TaxBit's customers include the world's top exchanges, institutional investors, governments, and individuals. As the first and only company to build real-time ERP accounting software for commodities, equities, and other digital asset investments, TaxBit provides enterprise clients with seamless end-to-end solutions including core accounting suite, customer management suite, and form issuance. TaxBit Consumer makes filing taxes on digital asset investments simple and painless, while equipping them with real-time directional insights 24/7, 365.



Company size

51 - 200

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